DE-EXIT – Eternal Matters Free Download

De – Exit – Eternal Matters Free Download is a unique teaser game developed by Unicorn Studios that challenges players to resolve a series of challenging mysteries in order to exit from a mysterious and unsafe simulated reality globe. The game offers a variety of cutting-edge play features and engaging settings. And an captivating plot that keeps players engaged from start to finish.

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    • Features
    • System Requirements
      • Minimum
      • Recommended

People can enter a virtual reality world known as &# 8220, The System, in the dystopian near-future world where the game is set. &# 8221, The System was originally designed as a utopian world where people could escape from the hardships of the real world. Nevertheless, it has now become a dangerous and perverted earth that threatens to take people who enters it.

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In De – Exit &# 8211, Eternal Matters, players take on the role of a hacker who has been hired to infiltrate The System and rescue a kidnapped scientist. To do this, they may understand through a series of complex and challenging puzzles, using their concern – solving skills and intelligence to solve each teaser and improvement through the game.

The puzzles in De – Exit &# 8211, Eternal Matters are based on a range of unique mechanics and play aspects. Including logic, deduction, geographic argument, and storage. Each puzzle requires people to apply their wits and approach, frequently with a finite amount of time and resources.

One of the most unique features of De – Exit &# 8211, Eternal Matters is its immersive virtual reality environments. The match features magnificent, lifelike graphics and thorough 3d environments that completely immerse players in The System globe. The settings include abandoned commercial amenities and futurist skyline, each with its own special difficulties and conundrums.

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The game even includes a range of synergistic items and tools that athletes can use to remedy puzzles and advance through the game.
Players must locate and use these items — including hacking tools, keycards, and others — smartly in order to get past challenges and figure out puzzles.

De – Exit &# 8211, Eternal Matters also features an amazing narrative that unfolds as players progress through the match. The plot is chock-full of turns and bends. with unforeseen discoveries and storyline bends that keep people interested and engaged in the game.

Overall, De – Exit &# 8211, Eternal Matters is a challenging and engaging puzzle game that offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience. Its modern puzzles, stunning virtual fact environments, and captivating narrative make it a need – play for puzzle game fans and anyone looking for a new and exciting gaming experience.


    Eternal Matters, Challenging Puzzles: De – Exit &# 8211, features a variety of difficult puzzles that require participants to use their problem-solving abilities and intelligence to solve. The riddles are based on a range of diverse concepts, including rationale, exemption, geographic argument, and storage, and become progressively more difficult as players progress through the sport.

  • Immersive Environments: The game features spectacular, photorealistic 3d surroundings that totally immerse players in the world of The System. The conditions range from contemporary scenery to abandoned business facilities, each with their own unique challenges and puzzles.
  • Interactive Objects and Tools: De – Exit &# 8211, Eternal Matters includes a range of engaging objects and resources that gamers can use to solve puzzles and progress through the activity. These include hacking equipment, keycards. and additional things that athletes need to locate and use deftly to get past challenges and complete riddles.
  • Innovative Gameplay Mechanics: The dream league soccer 2019 v6 mod apk gameplay introduces a range of revolutionary game concepts that add to the concern and enthusiasm of the riddles. For instance, some puzzles require athletes to control occasion. While some involve manipulating gravity or using holographic forecasts to resolve mysteries.
  • Intriguing Storyline: De – Exit &# 8211, Eternal Matters features an amazing plot that unfolds as athletes progress through the match.
    The storyline is full of twists and turns. With surprising tale twists and disclosures that keep players engaged and invested in the game.
  • Multiple Endings: The activity features many endings, depending on the choices participants make and the deeds they take throughout the gameplay. This increases the game’s replay price and encourages players to look into various routes and solutions to the puzzles.
  • Virtual Reality Support: De – Exit &# 8211, Eternal Matters supports virtual reality, which enhances the immersive experience of the game. Players can utilize Vr headsets to entirely immerse themselves in the game world and solve puzzles in a more realistic and engaging way.

System specifications


  • Macos: Panels 7 Sp1 or newer( 64 – bit )
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 – 2500k or Cpu Fx – 6300
  • Remembrance: 8 Gibibyte Memory
  • Graphics: Nvidia Geforce Gtx 660 or Amd Radeon R9 270
  • 10 Gb of storage space is available.
  • More Notes: Requires a 64 – little processor and operating system


  • Windows 10( 64-bit ) Os
  • Amd Radish 5 1600x or Intel Base i7 – 6700k chipset
  • Memory: 16 Gibibyte Motherboard
  • Pictures: Nvidia Geforce Gtx 1060 or Amd Gpu Rx 580
  • 10 Gb of storage space is available.
  • More Notes: Requires a 64 – touch processor and acting system, and VR support requires additional hardware

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